Ahmed Hanafi
Assistant Audit Manager
A qualified accountant with more than 8 years’ experience in financial management and auditing. Able to independently handle accounts from data entry stage to finalization of accounts and prepare financial statements for submission to the management.
Bachelor of Commerce, Cairo University, September 2003-May 2007
- Position : Assistant Audit Manager
- Period : From Sep, 2009 to Present.
- Finalization and Audit of accounts
- Working as Internal Auditor at (Public service Company, K.S.C).
- Preparation of accounts up to finalization.
- Preparation trial balance, profit and loss statement and balance sheet
- Adjustments for provisioning, prepaid expenses accrued expenses and accrued incomes.
- Confirmation of debtors and creditors balances.
- Adjustments for depreciation of fixed assets.
– Take courses at Global Experts Institute for Training (Financial Statement Analysis).
– Finished CPA Review sessions at AUC 2-FEP 2009, (Preparing for Exam).
– Registered at AUC Exam Review sessions 2008.
– Take courses at British Council (Conversation).
– Take course at AmidEast (General English).
– Summer Training at the Egyptian Banking Institute,
– Principles of Banking Operations (August – September 2007).